We highly recommend including wash stations on your property when renting porta-potties for your needs.
When you rent portable toilets for an event, a construction site, or another need, you provide a private place for those in attendance to use the restroom. But part of staying clean and hygienic is handwashing after taking care of business. When renting porta-potties from our team at AAA Action Septic Service, you can also request wash stations to ensure that users always have a way to keep their hands clean. We provide wash stations that are easy to set up and highly effective. Our technicians can place them on the property in the location of your choosing to ensure that they’re easily accessible to all who need to use them.
By including wash stations with your portable toilet rentals, you’re also contributing to a healthier, cleaner society. The last thing you want to worry about when running a construction site is the spread of illness due to improper hygiene practices. But without a place to wash hands after using the restroom, germs can spread quickly. We highly recommend including wash stations on your property when renting porta-potties for your needs.
As a trusted provider of portable toilet and wash station rentals, we’re available to handle these needs for clients in and near Cleveland, Texas. We’re also experts in septic services, including installation of new septic systems and maintenance and repair of existing septic systems. Our company has been serving local property owners for more than three decades, and we’re the team to count on for any needs that may arise.